March 7, 2011

Has anyone else noticed how long my recent posts have been?

Yeah, me too.
I thought it was time for some lighter material.
Or maybe not lighter.
Maybe just less.

Gainer showed me this video.
And it made me extremely happy,
happy-tears, bubbly-feeling-in-your-stomach,
can't-wipe-that-stupid-grin-off-your-face, happy.
I'm not sure why.

Me and paper cranes, we go way back...
Freshman year I watched David Lee make one
and I figured out how.
There are now flocks of flamable birds on all my teachers' shelves.
Dozens made every day.
I do it now without thinking about it.

But when I do take the time to think about it,
I find that there's something endearing
about my frail attempts at creating an imitation of life,
those little folded pieces of winged paper;
like a child playing,
pretending to do their parents' work.
I used to pretend I was an architect, like my dad...
All I would do was color pictures on old blueprints.

Things haven't changed much.