December 27, 2011

A change of major.

I've mused over this for quite some time.
And decided I don't want to get a teaching degree. Not anymore—

I'll teach for the rest of my life.
I couldn't stop that if I wanted to; it's what God has gifted me with.

Now, our system has produced plenty of wonderful teachers.
And there are those who will do brilliant things with teaching degrees.

But I don't think I could handle it.
I feel like my passion would be crushed by our educational system.

I don't want to submit to it;
if I do I feel like it'll use me to squander my students' potential.

I'd spend my career longing for something more.
Searching for what I'm missing, lacking the freedom to see it realized.

Have we really found the most effective way to utilize gifts and passions?
Have we really reached the plateau of education in our country?

Bubbling up from my core is an emphatic, resounding, "No."
It echoes through the whole of society.

I want to tear down presuppositions about standardized, systematic learning.
I want to break it apart and reveal it's flaws.

More than that, I want make it better.

I want to change what learning looks like.
I want to reform how our society views education.

I'm filled with an inexplicable desire.
There's a fire burning within me.

I can't put it out.
I don't want to.


  1. So what are ya switching your major to??

  2. I've no idea! I'm still trying to figure that out. :)

  3. Grace!! We should talk. Seriously. Are you headed down this way anytime soon? Phone? Skype? But we should definitely talk. Soon. Let me know. Until then, hang in there!
