November 30, 2010

today... is a monumental day.

it's important for at least five reasons:

ONE: it's Greer's birthday! YAY, you're finally... like... 13? I kid, I kid. But seriously, I hope it was a good one, you big 17-year-old, you.
TWO: today is the last day of No-Shave November. I might cry...
THREE: in exactly one hundred days, I will be in France! *AHEM* I WILL BE IN FRANCE IN ONE HUNDRED DAYS. again, I might cry.
FOUR: I became a novelist today. Seriously. I HATE writing fiction, but today I wrote a short story and DIDN'T hate myself at the end. THIS IS A BIG DEAL.

did I say there were five things?
Oh, yeah...
I just decided which college I'll be spending the next four years of my life at, no big.

UNI, if anyone cares.

November 28, 2010


I love that you still think puns are the best kind of humor.
I love that when you're driving, you take seemingly random routes to destinations.
I love that it's always so you can drive past your favorite old building or bridge
I love that whenever I'm sick, you always bring me ramen and seven-up.
I love that we can always agree on what movie to watch.
I love that you would ditch an afternoon of plans to go on a walk with me.
I love that we could sit on the porch and watch lightning for hours.
I love that you think RAGBRAI is better than Christmas.
I love that you always have advice tailored perfectly to the way I think.
I love that we think in exactly the same way.
I love that you would drag me across town just to see an awesome icicle.
I love that we both laugh at the worst times. Together.
I love that you've been taking me on dates since I was four, and that I still haven't outgrown it.
I love that you insisted on taking me to buy every dress I've ever gotten for a school dance.
I love that you are way too protective.
I love that, despite it, you still trust me to make my own decisions.

mon père,
est les plus merveilleux,
personne influente dans ma vie.
Et je t'aime.

November 10, 2010


Apparently, by virtue of being me, I'm not allowed to act solemn. Or somber or gloomy, or even be quiet, at any time. Anything other than ecstatic, actually. At least not without my mother asking me if I am depressed. I almost laughed when she said that, but then I was momentarily curious. I've never been a real believer in depression. I mean, I acknowledge that there are people out there who are genuinely depressed and really do need help, but I think a lot of the time it's just used as an excuse by people who are going through a bit of a rough patch... (We all have them)
Anyway, I humored that perhaps I really am depressed and proceeded to look up the symptoms of depression.

It turns out I currently have like 93% of the symptoms. Yikes, kids.

After we sorted it out... "Come on, really? Let's be honest: it's me; I'm not depressed," my very astute mother proceeded to wonder aloud if I should see a doctor. For what? Well, maybe there is something tangibly wrong with me.
Other than....
having a poorly functioning immune system that lets me be sick for 34% of my life,
being anemic and hypotensive (crappy blood and not much of it),
having a severely crooked spine that has been recently accused of causing frequent migranes and joint pain,
.... frequent migranes and joint pain,
and being an obscenely stressed, over-worked senior in high school?

naww, I'm good.

And I'm not being sarcastic when I say that, however difficult that might be to believe. I don't need a doctor poking and pricking and testing me only to inform me that I need vitamins or something... The determining factor between going through some difficult stuff (with physical or mental health), and being depressed, is something to lean on and trust it. My mom could tell when I hadn't been giving stuff up to Jesus; my joy was gone. My level of energy and happiness is down to an earthly level, and that is unusual for me, apparently. I hate when life and business crowd out my quiet time, but it happens a lot. And it's sooo obvious to the people around me. I love and hate this. I hate when God gets shoved aside and it affects me negatively, but how cool is it to see what a change Christ can make in a person :)

I guess I don't want to hide when I'm writing in this thing. I don't really know who will read it or what they'll think of it, but what I really don't want is to be artificial. Sometimes I think that if I can be 100% open and honest with everyone, (literally, anyone and everyone could read this) then people will see my sincerity and be drawn to Christ through something I said or wrote. But that's not what it's about, really. It's about what I do. And when my actions are negative because I haven't been drinking in the Word... Well, that particular brand of conviction makes tears come to my eyes.

But we're called to confess our wrongdoings out in the open. I don't just want to be the type of person who only writes about awesome stuff that happened, or be all preachy to whichever poor soul may have stumbled upon my blog.. If God shows me something amazing, I'm won't hesitate in writing about it. If at all possible, I'll probably take a picture. But life has ups and downs, and right now I'm in a valley. I think that's a fair thing to say.. I'm striving to be genuine here... I'm tired and discouraged and overwhelmed and in pain almost constantly. But my Father is breaking me so that He can mold me.

And I think that process just began, here.. in front of this stupid Dell with tenth avenue north playing and a hundred million tabs and word documents open with home-workings and obscurities vital to the never-ending application process, where I decided that I needed a moment to breathe before plunging back down into the demands of my station in life.
Thanks for sharing this moment with me.

November 5, 2010

Guy Fawkes Day

Remember, Remember
The fifth of November

V: Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villian by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengence; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

Evey: Are you like a crazy person?

V: I'm quite sure they will say so.

November 3, 2010

What I was sure of yesterday...

I now know to be false.
But what I am sure of today is absolutely true.
....for now.

Life spins off in crazy directions, and sometimes we lose our balance.
I think I get caught up in the stress of it all and forget where I'm actually headed.
what's important
why I've been put here
who I'm becoming.

And I get a moment to come up for air and realize that I'm terrified, and I have no idea what the future is gonna look like. And that feeling in my stomach, in the back of my mind, it starts to creep in until I don't feel anything but worry. It doesn't accomplish anything.

Worrying is a synonym for not trusting if God's plan.

And he has a plan, I've been shown that over and over and over. But I'm insatiable and insecure so I guess I need to be continually reminded-- and I THANK GOD that he is a merciful and patient and loving god.

When I get lost in worry or stress, I peddle backwards through my mind until I find something that I can grasp, something to hold onto and put my trust and faith in.

And the simple truths that always stand are these:
> Jesus died for us. And HE ROSE.
>He LOVES us in an indescribable way.
>God has made everything beautiful in its time. There is a plan for us and it is incredible, and if he showed it to us, wouldn't it ruin the surprise?
>He has set eternity in the hearts of men. "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
>Everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing can be taken away from it. He is perfect and so is everything he has orchestrated.

So I'm giving this up to him.