November 3, 2010

What I was sure of yesterday...

I now know to be false.
But what I am sure of today is absolutely true.
....for now.

Life spins off in crazy directions, and sometimes we lose our balance.
I think I get caught up in the stress of it all and forget where I'm actually headed.
what's important
why I've been put here
who I'm becoming.

And I get a moment to come up for air and realize that I'm terrified, and I have no idea what the future is gonna look like. And that feeling in my stomach, in the back of my mind, it starts to creep in until I don't feel anything but worry. It doesn't accomplish anything.

Worrying is a synonym for not trusting if God's plan.

And he has a plan, I've been shown that over and over and over. But I'm insatiable and insecure so I guess I need to be continually reminded-- and I THANK GOD that he is a merciful and patient and loving god.

When I get lost in worry or stress, I peddle backwards through my mind until I find something that I can grasp, something to hold onto and put my trust and faith in.

And the simple truths that always stand are these:
> Jesus died for us. And HE ROSE.
>He LOVES us in an indescribable way.
>God has made everything beautiful in its time. There is a plan for us and it is incredible, and if he showed it to us, wouldn't it ruin the surprise?
>He has set eternity in the hearts of men. "If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
>Everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing can be taken away from it. He is perfect and so is everything he has orchestrated.

So I'm giving this up to him.

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